MICRONANOFABS is a Cleanroom Network devoted to Micro and Nano Manufacturing. It is also part of the New Spanish ICTS map approved on October 7, 2014 by the Consejo de Política Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación (CPCTI).

A Scientific and Technical Facility (ICTS), in Spain, is a unique or exceptional facility which investment and maintenance cost is relatively high in comparison to other R&D budgets in its area of activity and whose importance and strategic character on research and / or technological development justifies its availability to the entire R&D community and society as a whole.

It is a distributed network of three nodes whose facilities are located in:


The mission of the MICRONANOFABS Network Network is to support spanish and european research groups and industries in their research in the fields of Micro-Nano Manufacturing and Photonics, three areas of activity that have been considered Key Enabling Technologies (KET´s) by the European Commission for their key contribution to the development of innovative products for our daily life.

Research on Micro, Nano and Photonics technologies is crucial for many national and international research groups and start-up companies that base their activity on the availability of adequate infrastructures. Large Scale Facilities are important tools for improving the level of academic R & D, but also for fostering innovation and competitiveness at industries level, which may have access to new technologies that would otherwise be too costly. MICRONANOFABS intention is to become the gateway to potential users of these technologies.
The importance of micro/nanotechnologies is not only due to the good health of the semiconductor industry, but also to its transversal nature and its ability to develop new products and services.

MICRONANOFABS has also the task of coordinating national R&D& I in its field and become a key representative for the different international, national and regional public authorities on issues related to the implementation of national strategies in the fields of Micro/Nano Manufacturing and Photonics.

The vision of MICRONANOFABS in this scenario, taking into account the specificities of the scientific community and the Spanish electronics and photonics industry, is to cover the entire value chain from basic research to industrial R & D + I projects in key enabling technologies (KET´s) opening-up high-tech facilities and the knowledge of researchers and technologists of the three institutions that are part of the network.

For its horizontal nature, the benefits of the offer of MICRONANOFABS are not only for the ICT or materials sector, but also for all industrial and social challenges sectors where materials, electronic and photonic components can have a crucial role on Health, Transportation, Energy, Environment, Food Security, …